Welcome to our world. Here is a little window into the the lives of Jay, Tarrah, Haleigh, Haden, Madison and Bowen. We have lots of fun and enjoy each and every day together, in the air or on the ground.
Not a day goes by that I do not stop and think about my Grandmother. My heart is still broken at the thought of her being gone. Sunday will be the first time that I will be in her church without her there. Things just aren't the same...
On Monday one of my very dearest friends celebrated her birthday. My SIL Candace turned a whopping 26!!! ;) I just wanted to take a minute and let her know how much I appreciate her. She has been such a gift to my brother and a wonderful mommy to my niece Chloe. Candace and I have grown very close over the years. She was such a great friend to me when I needed it the most, and even encouraged me to answer a certain email from a certain guy who eventually became my husband. :) I am so thankful to be a part of her life. I love you KK. Hope that your day was as wonderful as you are!!! xoxoxo
This last week has been a little crazy. The kids were finishing up their last week of school....yes I said LAST week of school. I had a horrible stomach virus that still is lingering, and we have been having a blast with Jay's cousins Ken and Kay Burgess. On Thursday the kids had their end of the year awards night where they recited versus and sang songs with their friends. All three of the kids were on A honor roll and Haleigh received an outstanding student award!! We are so very proud of them. They had a wonderful year with two awesome teachers and wonderful friends they will never forget. Now I just have to get creative on what to do with them at home all summer!! :)
In truth a family is what you make it. It is made strong, not by number of heads counted at the dinner table, but by the rituals you help family members create, by the memories you share, by the commitment of time, caring, and love you show to one another, and by the hopes for the future you have as individuals and as a unit.
Here is a link to the story about "The Flame Throwing Grizzly" who happens to be my younger cousin!! I am so stinkin proud of him!!!! Go Jason!!! www.recordersports.com/articles/ready-957-high-school.html
Happy Birthday to my dear sissy Raushel!! Raushel, you are such a wonderful girl. Your humor and outlook on life are unmatchable!! You always have a smile and bring color to everyday. You are so talented and giving and I love you very much. Wishing you the best birthday!!! xoxoxo
Congratulations to me dear friends the Cartier's. They welcomed Morgan Seth just a few days ago. I am so excited for them, they have a beautiful family as you can see. P.S. I did get to hold him before his Auntie Deanna!! :)