Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another Soldier Has Gone Home

As many of you know we lost our sweet Grandmother this last week. What a beautiful Godly woman she was. Jay and I are so thankful for the many trips we have made the last five years to see her and Grandpa, they are memories we will cherish forever. Here is something that Jay wrote and read at her funeral that I thought was beautiful and wanted to share. Please remember our family, especially Jays mom in your prayers.

One Stitch at a Time

Jay Mercer

Two blankets sit on my bed; your beautiful crocheted pieces traveled to the homes of the ones you loved. The stitches are perfect and the colors are beautiful, it is obvious you took your time and stitched one stitch at a time.

The quality of each piece shows your patience and perseverance. You would sit for hours, you did not worry or fret about the time, something in you could see the end result and you sat there hour after hour working on the items you would so freely give. These pieces show, love given, one stitch at a time.

I believe you liked to crochet so much because it was how you lived your life; through all your trials, your hurts and disappointments, you held fast to your beliefs and never wavered. Year after year, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, you lived your life, one stitch at a time.

Although you have gone from us, we have learned from you to take the good with the bad, the storms with the sunshine and the defeats with the victories. As you lived, we too should live, never fretting about the things we cannot control, but seeing the final product or destination, and living, one stitch at a time.

I love you Grandma Lucille Compton.

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