The Good Samaritan
So Jay calls and says that a man approached him at the gas station and said that he was hungry. Jay tells him to go over to IHOP and order and he would gladly buy him dinner. After a few minutes Jay goes over to pay the bill and this very GRACIOUS, HUMBLED, THANKFUL man has ordered not a STEAK AND LOBSTER!!!!! GRRRRRRR!!! Jay being the tendered heated soul that he is just laughed and called me to share the story. I on the other hand, being the sassy britches that I am said I would have just left ten bucks for and let him wash some plates to pay for the rest!!!! :) Not really, but can you believe the audacity of some people. At least Jay got a good deed in for the day. Good Grief.
What a guy Jay is. I remember one time when a man came to our house and ask your Grandpa Tredway for some food. We were really hard pressed for food ourselves during this time. So Dad ask what he needed and one of the items was butter, dad ask didn't he mean margarine, his answer was no, we only eat real butter. I rememeber dad saying that it would just have to be margarine this time. Took his list and went to the store and paid for his food.
Love y'all
Aunt Virginia
Isn't that the attitude of our society today. You try to help them and they take advantage of you. Always remember "Give and it shall be given". When the generosity comes back it will be the best, the most expensive thing on the menu.
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